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Why visit Zagreb?

Filip Donadic • April 8, 2019

Feel the Pulse of Capital of Croatia

Dear Traveler, you have been around and you have seen things. And now you are stumbling upon a small but a bighearted Zagreb. What is the entire buzz about it, you ask yourself? Why should you visit, the question occurs? Let’s try to awaken your curiosity and share a few interesting tidbits about the Croatian capital. Why visit Zagreb?


The story of Zagreb dates back all the way to prehistoric times when there was already life here. Some of the excavation points are found on the mountain Medvednica, the so called ‘’bears mountain’’. For centuries now it does not have bears but the name still remains. This means you can safely hike to a medieval well preserved fortress of Medvegrad and enjoy the aerial views of the city.

If we fast forward a little bit, we had the Roman Empire here. If you just flew in the newly opened and shiny airport, you were in the vicinity of Andautonia. A Roman settlement that dates back to 1st century! Check the old Roman city out.

The proper and formative history of Zagreb is connected with two medieval settlements Kaptol and Gradec. The 11th century clergy part Kaptol and the 13th century secular part Zagreb were fierce enemies for years. In the meantime we also had presence of Mongols and the Ottoman Empire here. A playground for everybody! Kaptol and Gradec decided to bury the hatchet and merge in mid-19th century. The development of modern Zagreb as we know it today starts then.

20th century is probably the most hectic and turbulent period of all time. Zagreb managed to be a part of several different countries in less than 100 years. To sum up: Austrian Empire, Kingdom of Yugoslavia, Independent State of Croatia, Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia and Republic of Croatia. Imagine how many quirky stories and interesting tidbits are there? Those carved the city in what it is today.

Last stage of history, the so called ‘’awakening stage’’ is happening as I write and you read. In the last 5 years Zagreb was nominated twice for the best European destination award. The capital won 2 consecutive times the title as the best Christmas destination of Europe. Currently, Zagreb is holding that title. Some of the worldwide influential travel portals proclaimed Zagreb as the most desirable destination to visit in Europe for 2017. The city has a huge increase in tourism and everybody wants to be here!


Located between river Sava on the south and mountain Medvednica on the north, Zagreb found his tranquil position. The river was never utilized and it mostly created chaos through history with frequent flooding. On the flip side, the mountain hosts a world skiing cup every January and it brings a lot of joy to the locals. Hiking trails are well organized, and you can become one with nature there.

In the heart of the city we have a series of 7 parks and the botanical gardens aligned in a shape of a letter U. This is the green horse shoe of Zagreb. We call it the lungs of the capital, since it is pretty forested. You can cover it in an hour walk and forget about the urban hectic of the city. Get lost in the Park Forest Tuskanac. A place where they burned women accused for witchcraft in 18th century, now you have one of the most beautiful strolls of the city. It is totally safe to walk these days, even for the women.

Zagreb has lakes as well, if you were wondering. Jarun, the bigger one, is a popular recreational resort for the locals. We call it Zagreb Sea because it also provides refreshment during warm summer months. You can go for a swim there. In addition, every year it hosts one of the best music festivals in Europe – the In music festival. The smaller lake, Bundek is perfect for a quaint walk to adjust your train of thoughts or catch some of the events that are happening there, such as the Flora art.

Architecture and Museums

Zagreb’s vibrant and colorful history left its mark on the city. And a good mark I have to say! While strolling the streets of the city you will see prime examples of the historicistic style. Art Nouveau style left its influence here as well. In the Green horse shoe you can savor the beauty of the 19th century palaces and the facades. Check out the tallest building in Croatia, which dates back to 11th century – Zagreb cathedral. On the outskirts of town, enjoy mesmerizing beauty of the cemetery Mirogoj. Yes, I know it sounds strange and eerie when somebody recommends a cemetery, but its beauty is indescribable by words.

An interesting article that I never fact checked states that Zagreb has the most museums per square kilometer in the world! It might be true. Your eyes will immediately catch the Museum of Broken relationships. Rest assured, because we also have the Museum of Torture, Museum of Illusions, Mushroom Museum and Museum of Psychiatry. Pick a topic you fancy, you will probably stumble upon a museum that depicted it.

Philosophy of lounging

You will rarely find a town like Zagreb where people like to linger so much. Everything revolves about coffee. It is part of our tradition, culture and bloodstream. Working day and working hours all of our cafes will be packed with people. With first rays of sunshine all of Zagreb squares become big lounges and living rooms at your disposal. So jump on board and take this ride of basically doing nothing while commenting people that catch your eye. Feel like a local and have a cup of coffee that will last for hours.

People of Zagreb are accustomed to good food as well. In addition to having a bar street (500 meters of sidewalk cafes and bars) we also have a couple of restaurant streets. There, you can eat whatever your heart and tummy desire. To feast on the local cuisine go for Strukle or try anything that has meat and potatoes on the side. Also, be aware that Zagreb has some amazing fish restaurants. Most of the best fresh fish that is caught on the Adriatic in the morning is shipped to Zagreb. All for you!

New star on the European sky!

There are captivating cities in the world, but people have been traveling to them for the last 100 years. People want something of the beaten path, yet to be discovered! I proudly present Zagreb – the new star on the European sky! The city does not have mass tourism, and in comparison with other capitals in the world it is reasonably priced. It’s a safe and clean city, with friendly and chatty locals that will help you always. You will feel welcomed and safe here. And that is the biggest asset to Zagreb touristy offer, the people. You can’t manufacture that. Start a chat with a random stranger and embark on this adventure of visiting Zagreb. You will create a lasting memory! What are you waiting for? Zagreb is giving you a shout out, my dear traveler!
Bled Slovenia Cream Cake
By Maja Donadic February 2, 2023
We asked ChatGPT about the Story of Bled Cream Cake and this is what we found out from ChatGPT.
Virtual Tour Zagreb
By Maja Donadic April 29, 2021
If you ask Google what is a virtual tour you may be confused, as the most common answer will be:” a virtual tour is a simulation of an existing location, usually composed of a sequence of videos or still images that can be viewed online.”. Doesn’t seem appealing, I know! But bear with me, because our new normal is creating a totally new and exciting tourist product. I suggest we learn a bit more about it. Virtual tours can be called online experiences or even digital tours. In a nutshell, they are divided in the following categories: pre-recorded tours semi-immersive tours live tours from home with your host live walking tours 360 tours For a pre-recorded tour a guest pays and then the recorded tour is subsequently shared. No surprises here, and it’s suitable for people who like to play it safe. Semi-immersive tours require a certain level of engagement from the guests. In example: Guests prepare a typical traditional meal of a destination, while virtually supervised and instructed by the local host. If you book a live tour from home with your host, the host will share various stories, images, videos from home and will not be on the streets of the city you are virtually visiting. Both you and your host are safe and sound in your own homes. If we are talking about „virtual live walking tour“, we are not talking about a simulation of an existing location. And if you ask me, this is an immersive experience you want to take on. It’s a real time online experience you can enjoy no matter where you are in the world. All from the comfort of your home! „Live“ means that you get the chance to see the sights, hidden gems and local people in real time. Your tour guide will be broadcasting live from the streets and squares of the city you are visiting online and share all the ins and outs. This is the best look and feel that you can get of the destination, while actually not visiting it in person. And unlike the pre-recorded tours, you can have a live exchange with your guide who will answer your questions on the spot. Last, but not least we have the 360° tour. A good example is The Met 360° Project. The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York created the tour using spherical 360° technology, it allows viewers to explore The Met from the home. More and more different kinds of live virtual tours can be found each day like: food tours, cooking classes, history tours, webinars with experts, walking tours. Virtual live tours give a different approach from standard/traditional tours like day trips accompanied with a guide. They started to develop fast due to Covid 19 pandemic and local tour operators/suppliers have been implementing and improving them daily. Virtual tours are not a substitute for traditional tours as many people think, but they are developing as a new product. I would argue that they have great potential to become a new way for guests to plan their trips, or just to learn more about the destination that is of their interest. Virtual travel has never been more convenient. To enjoy live tours, a platform such as Zoom or similar is needed. It enables live broadcast and interaction between the guide and the guests. 4 reasons why you should book Virtual Live Walking Tour: You get a chance to see the top sights, hidden gems and people in a real time accompanied by a local tour guide who knows the ins and outs, Enjoy the tour from the comfort of your home, no packing or travel time needed, The tour can be a great insight and a warm up before you visit the destination, Affordable way to find out more about destination. If you would like to experience a virtual live walking tour, we encourage you to Book Zagreb Virtual Live Walking Tour.
Plitvice Lakes Tutorial
By Filip Donadic April 29, 2021
With the first step on the wooden pathway above the crystal clear lake you will feel how you are becoming one with nature. Many tales have been told about this magical place, but none of them do it justice. Until you savor this beauty with your eyes and soul, you will live in ignorance. Plitvice Lakes, Croatian famous national park is most definitely one of the wonders of the world. Pristine nature, fresh air and countless vibrant waterfalls create a synergy that is too good to be true. And you sense it immediately. Treat yourself with a day trip to Plitvice and forget all of the worries of the hectic urban lifestyle. Find your inner peace. 16 lakes interconnected by numerous waterfalls and cascades will awaken your curiosity and sharpen your photo shooting expertise. The lakes are divided in two categories, the lower lakes and the upper lakes. In order to fully understand the magnitude and the enchanting beauty of this place you need to visit both. And they treasure a lot of stories, my dear traveler. From the ones of the origins of the area involving the magical Black Queen that brought this body of water, to the ones of people drowning inside and getting the lakes named after them. One thing is for certain, these 50 shades of green will leave you breathless. The ducks and fish that linger around also create a certain positive and easygoing vibe. If you are lucky, you might even stumble upon the ”baller” animal of the park – brown bear. In this case scenario, do not panic. Just be swift like the wind and out run the person next to you, this is your best fighting chance. All jokes aside, the park is abundant with animal life. In addition to already mentioned, there are wildcats, lynx, deer, owls, eagles and wolfs. Unfortunately, mass tourism made all of the animals go away to the dense forest parts and you will probably not see them. Be satisfied with chillaxing with butterflies, ducks and occasional birds. Even though 99 percent of the park area is forest and meadow parts, you are visiting Plitvice Lakes because of that remaining 1 percent – the water parts! These parts made the park world famous and renowned. These are the Instagram photos you were drawn to, and now you are determined to do them for your own feed. While strolling you will stumble upon the largest waterfall of Croatia, almost 80 meter high and conveniently named – Big waterfall. There are also the Sprinkler waterfalls, when you reach them you will fully understand why they are called like that. Make sure not to skip the Milka Trnina waterfalls! They were named by our opera diva Milka Trnina that had world recognized voice. Interesting tidbit is that chocolate ”Milka” was allegedly named after her. One thing is for sure, you will enjoy the views even more than the chocolate! The constant motion of the water and the interplay of the flora, cascades and waterfalls will bring you tranquility. While browsing around you will notice the switch between the peaceful and quaint parts, and the fierce and loud parts. The golden rule of Plitvice Lakes is, as soon you forget about the waterfalls another one will appear. Try to count them! Amazing things are happening at places that do not meet the eye. There is a huge laboratory in these waters, with its final product the tufa barriers. These barriers dam the water and because of them we have 16 lakes. Not to make you yawn my dear reader, I am just going to give you a crash course in it. In order for the tufa barrier to form you need to have supersaturated waters with calcium carbonate, algae, micro bacteria and moss. All mentioned gets incrusted and becomes part of the barrier that is growing constantly. It’s growing fast and furious like nowhere else in the world. This is why you must not touch the water. Appreciate the nature with your eyes and not with your hands. On The Goats Lake, the largest lake that was named after the goats that drowned inside, you can board an electric boat or rent a rowing boat and try your rowing skills. Are you still wondering why visit this heaven on Earth? It was one of the first places proclaimed in the world as a UNESCO Natural Heritage Site of the World and more and more people are flocking to see it. This is a place where you come to rest your troubled mind and become careless. Even if you are a world traveler that has seen it all, this place takes you and positively brakes you at one point. Then it assembles you and recharges your inner batteries. It creates a memory for a lifetime. At one point everybody stops talking and with a smile on their face start taking photographs. And with every new step you take, the smile gets bigger and bigger and dumber and dumber. This jaw dropping beauty is not to be missed. Build your own experience in this mesmerizing park and tell the tale to others. Plitvice Lakes, a must while spending time in Croatia! Let’s go traveler! P.S. Before you visit, read the tutorial of Plitvice lakes.
Bled Slovenia
By Filip Donadic April 29, 2021
Croatia’s neighbor Slovenia is getting more and more spill over tourism, especially from the capital Zagreb. Active travelers decide to do a day trip towards picturesque, small and bighearted Slovenia. So, what are the highlights and hidden gems you need to visit? Here are the top destinations in lovely Slovenia! Ljubljana The capital is a must while first time visiting Slovenia. It is only 30 minute drive from the town where the first lady of America Melania Trump was born. Furthermore, it’s also the city from which the dragons are rented for filming the Game of Thrones show. Ljubljana gets under your skin immediately. Feast your eyes on beautiful baroque churches and Art Nouveau buildings. Check out the quirky bridges with dragons and hear the tales about the cheating bakers that were immersed in the river as a statement what not to do. You can even lock your love with a padlock on the Love Bridge in the city. Utilize the river Ljubljanica as well, my dear traveler. Hop on a boat ride or just linger on the embankment. To spice things up, go for one of the craft beers the local pubs offer or enjoy exquisite wines. Even though the National anthem of Slovenia is called ‘a Toast’, they are keen on eating delicious food too. As being a carnivorous nation, they pride themselves in tasty meat dishes. For those with peculiar taste you can even savor horse meat. The center is packed with joyful people and positive vibes. Soak upon them while listening to the sounds of the street performers. Head to Ljubljana, you will love it! Even the name of the city means ”beloved one”. Bled Lake Arguably one of the prettiest lakes in the world is yours to wander around. This charming place lets you become one with nature and charge your inner batteries. While doing that, you will be emptying your cameras batteries by the amount of photos you will be taking! Conquer the oldest Slovenian castle that dates back to 11th century and have a walk down histories memory lane. Visit the Bled Island and a small church that’s a venue to the famous ”Bled wedding” tradition. They say if you want to have a loving and fulfilling marriage, the groom needs to give a piggyback ride to his bride over 99 steep stairs to climb to the church. There are a few options to come to the church; the most popular option would be the traditional Pletna boat. This flat bottom boat with a standing oarsman has been transporting guests to the island ever since the 12th century! If you enter the church you can even ring the magical wishing well, and make all of your dreams come true. For the ones that are not much for swimming or rowing, just stroll around the quaint lake, and chillax with the ducks and swans. After you worked on your appetite, go for the best cream cake in the universe. All of this is at your disposal at enchanting Bled Lake. Postojna cave Embrace the beauty of the most visited cave of Europe, and do it like a boss in a train. Yes, Slovenia has a cave with a train inside that takes you part of the way. This is only one of the reasons why Postojna cave is titled as the queen of caves among more than 10000 caves in Slovenia. Admire the mesmerizing stalagmites, stalactites and cave pillars. If you’re lucky enough, you can even stumble upon some of the indigenous cave animals. Among them, you have the ‘‘olm’’ or as they sugar coat it – the ”baby dragon”! Explore these mysterious hallways and create a lasting memory. In addition, not far away from the cave you can visit the infamous Predjama castle. Built in a rock it will awaken your imagination and curiosity. It is enlisted in the Guinness World Records as the largest cave castle in the world. For the ones looking for an eerie touch, allegedly the castle is haunted.. The most famous tenant of the castle was Erazem of Predjama, the Slovenian version of Robin Hood. Hear more about his quests or visit the armory of the castle. This is an experience not to be missed! More info about Postojna cave find here. Slovenia and its beauties are yet to be discovered. So jump on board and take this ride! Discover the hidden gems and spread the good word. Feel the love in sLOVEnia!
By Filip Donadic April 29, 2021
Story of the Upper Town dates back to medieval times when in 1242 King Bela IV gave a royal charter to the citizens proclaiming this part of Zagreb as a free royal city. When a king gives you something, you have to give him something in return. That’s the way the game is played. The most important thing the citizens needed to do is the fortification of the city. They managed to round up the town with defensive walls and towers. Some of the remnants of those times are still present and at your disposal to conquer them with your camera. Wander the streets of this charming part of Zagreb. What should you see in the Upper Town, you ask yourself? These are the top sights not to be missed! Lotrscak tower with the Gric cannon One of the coolest traditions of Zagreb is firing a cannon shot exactly at midday! And I warn you in advance, it is not choreographed for tourists and it is extremely loud. There are numerous reasons why the cannon is blasting off, such as to adjust your watch and know the exact time or to scare away the pigeons and uninformed travelers. The only thing you should know is: do not run for shelter. Only small pieces of paper get out of the cannon. If you need a baller wake up call, just claim you ground in front of the tower at 11:59 any day of the week! Be intrepid, you will love it. Saint Mark’s square If you want to stumble upon our prime minister or some of the politicians, simply leisurely stroll on Saint Mark’s square. Our parliament house, government house and constitutional court are based here. The focal point of the square is the Saint Mark’s church. This picturesque church with colorful rooftop will awaken your curiosity. It is one of the most frequently sent postcards from Zagreb. While walking around do not miss the old gas lamps from 19th century that are to this day still hand lit every night. Stone gate What used to be one of the entrances to medieval Zagreb now is a shrine to Virgin Mary of the Stone gate, the patron saint of the city. To fully understand the story we have to go back in time to 18th century when there was a big fire. Everything went to flames except the painting depicting Virgin Mary holding baby Jesus. Since it remained intact by the fire, the citizens founded it as a miraculous painting. Nowadays it is housed in a beautiful baroque chapel within the Stone gate. Museums of the Upper town Some of the best museums of Zagreb are here. Even if you are a museum aficionado with peculiar taste you will find something of your interest. If you want a quirky museum go to the Museum of Broken relationships. For the artistic soles, stumble upon the Mestrovic atelier where you can admire sculptures from our top notch artist Ivan Mestrovic. History buffs, go to the Zagreb City Museum. Most of them are located in palaces which will boost your overall experience. For the overachievers you have an open air museum of the Upper town. A place designated for street art with beautiful murals that share many stories. If you are a first time visitor in Zagreb, do not skip the Upper Town. This is the essence of the city. To reach it you can use some of the stairs that lead you up. In this case scenario you can skip the gym for the day. Wiser people opt for the option of the shortest funicular in the world. Hop on and feel some of the Zagreb’s old charm. Enjoy the vistas from the Strossmayer promenade and balance your thoughts in this quaint place. Visit Upper Town of Zagreb, the nucleus of the city! More info about the ongoing events find here!
Plitvice Lakes
By Filip Donadic April 29, 2021
My dear traveler, you have finally seen enough Instagram photos of this mesmerizing place and decided to embrace the beauty with your own eyes and soul. You are ready to conquer the infamous Plitvice lakes! Good for you! Before you actually take the first step on the wooden pathways, let’s share a couple of thoughts on how to be a well behaved traveler and not the typical tourist. This way, it will be a much more enjoyable experience for you and the 10 000 of your closest friends that you will stumble upon in the park. Here is a synergy of advice from people that have done this trail +300 times. Plitvice lakes tutorial at your disposal. Ready, steady, go! Be aware of the parks geography, dress and act accordingly. You are visiting a National park and becoming one with nature. There will be dirt, there will be dust and there will be uneven surfaces! Your footwear makes the dream work. Sneakers and hiking boots are welcomed, flip flops and high heels are not! In addition, dress in sportswear. Anything that is good for a gym session is more than adequate for the lakes journey. Winters tend to be cold, spring volatile with a lot of rain, and summers dry or hot. Do not make us say that autumns are the best! If you are not taking a guided tour (which we strongly recommend), get familiarized with the prearranged paths that you can take within the park. There are letters that indicate which route you are taking. Be warned, the signalization in the park is not the best and has its own flaws. Be ready to get lost a little bit, it’s also a part of the experience. Do not get too much lost though, there are brown bears and wolfs chilling in the vicinity. Respect the rules of conduct in the park! Yes, we know those lakes look inviting, but it is strongly forbidden to go for a swim or even to dip your finger in them. There is a reason for that! Because of the chemical process happening inside the waters while creating the tufa barriers, you would seriously damage the nature with your interference. Be cool and respect the nature. If you were wondering, splashing your face with water on a hot day or washing your feet in the lake is also not allowed. Do not feed the animals! The ducks are a treacherous bunch that will try to steal your ice cream, or browse around you to get a snack. Do not provide them their meal, it is forbidden. Same principle applies for fish or any other animal you might encounter. Do not go off the beaten path. Even though you see a photo you must take! Trust us on this; your life is more important than a photo opportunity. It sounds cool to be on an extremely fragile limestone above the canyon to get a better view. In reality, this stone can easily crack and break. Do not do your last photo on Plitvice lakes; it’s an 80 meter downfall. Learn how to walk and take photos. If you are a part of a larger group, please walk two by two. Some people are fast and furious, some are just there to linger. If you are going two by two, the faster can outrun the slower and then everybody enjoys. The pathways are quite narrow which means you should cooperate with the fellow travelers that are surrounding you. If you see a photo opportunity, take it from the side of the pathway. This way other people can pass by you. Do not be a typical tourist that is in the middle of the pathway while doing a selfie. You will attract bad karma upon yourself and a duck will steal your ice cream. No strollers, no dogs! Even though none of the above is forbidden, from our experience both the animals and the children will not enjoy. Most of the dogs have problems with their small paws walking on the wooden pathways. For the strollers, sure thing. If you are a strong and crazy dad that is willing to carry the stroller most of the way. The pathways are uneven with a lot of stairs. Put your kid in a kangaroo style and tag him along. For the dogs, leash is mandatory. For some kids, it should also be.. Avoid the high season! Plitvice lakes are visited by 1.5 million people yearly. 70 percent of that is from start of July to end of August. At this time you have more than 15 000 people in the park daily. The park infrastructure can sustain 8000 people. Save your nerves and enjoy the nature. Should we say anything else? Your best fighting chance would be from start of May to mid-June or months of September and October. Most of the time in this period all of the park is open and accessible. Soak up the beauty without the crowds. Be aware of your limitations. This is a huge park. You can walk from 30 minutes to 8 hours. It all depends on your physical condition. If you do not have any mobility issues and can walk for 45 minutes in a leisurely tempo without stopping, we recommend this route – Start from entrance 1 and walk down to the Big waterfall. Continue strolling through the canyon towards P3 boat station. Board the electric boat towards P2. Do the ring part, arguably the nucleus of the lakes, which will take you back to the same P2 boat station and finally to P1 station. From there take the train from ST2 to ST1. Walk above the canyon towards entrance 1 and enjoy the aerial views. This way you will see all of the highlights of Plitvice lakes National park in approx. 4 hours of walking. This varies depending on the amount of people in the park and takes longer in the high season. Stay hydrated! Avoid the umbrella guides! When you see an umbrella or a flag in the air, be certain at least 45 troopers are in the vicinity. They are a part of a large group with their leader ”the umbrella guide”. Be faster or be slower than that group. The worst thing you can do is to be in the middle while everybody is sweating, breathing and kidnapping your air. Be wiser and be swifter than them! Big groups have fixed itineraries and strict timetables which means they have to keep moving let them pass! You get extra points if somebody manages to kidnap the flag or the umbrella. Become one with nature. Take 10 000 photos to make your friends and family jealous. You are here, they are not! But at one point, stop and smell the imaginary roses. Savor the moment with your soul and forget all of your worries. You are at one of the prettiest sights in the world. Inhale deeply the fresh air and embrace the pristine nature. Be stress free and put a smile on your face. Hopefully this Plitvice lakes tutorial will help you! Happy travels! More about Plitvice lakes. Official web page of the park.
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